Little Touches Make A Big Impact

Believe it or not, this little girls room is full of little touches from ready made things that make a really, fun and colorful impact.
These LED lights are decorated with colorful paper cups in contrasting colors and patterns. Hung over a bed near the headboard, they are hung willy-nilly with painted and embellished bird houses.

Embroidery hoops with sewn or glued fringe and cute peace stickers are hung over the bed headboard.

Just a touch of whimsy.... one colorful stuffy with colorful pillows pop on the bed.

An inverted wire basket makes a darling light treatment with tassels hung with care.

An added touch on a painted board behind a work desk...multi-layered muffin papers cut with petals and a cloth covered or painted thumb tack created a beautiful, one of a kind flower.

Something simple... a can cozy put on a jar or container for the pens.

I'm always looking for ways to display art in my daughters room. Here jump ropes and clothespin create a create art wall.
